The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating business trends, including contactless payments, subscriptions, and cord-cutting. Coronaconomy winners are business are going direct-to-consumer, companies enabling work from home setup for their employees prompting Infrastructure upgrades.
Who are the Winners in the Coronaconomy?
E-Wallet/E-Money providers. Money is one of the most filthy things in the world. Paper money can reportedly carry more germs than a household toilet. And bills are a hospitable environment for gross microbes: viruses and bacteria can live on most surfaces for about 48 hours, but paper money can reportedly transport a live flu virus for up to 17 days. Which is why more and more Filipinos are moving into E-Wallets.
Online Shopping and Delivery. With the malls closed, it’s no surprise that online shopping in the Philippines is flourishing with hundreds of online stores in the Philippines getting published on the Internet every day. Benefits of Online Shopping include convenience, better prices, more variety, you can send gifts more easily, and the best of all that? No crowds and No Traffic.
Content Creators. A lot of Filipinos are stuck at home because of the ECQ and GCQ and currently facing their computers and mobile phones, more viewers mean more money for content creators. This includes:
- Youtube channels
- Live Streamers
- Content Writers
- Developers
Takeaway: Let’s be grateful for technology especially to the internet that we can do these things today, it opened a lot of opportunities for everyone. Remember, it is you who will decide if you are going to be a Winner or a Loser in the Coronaconomy.
Let us all be productive, read a book, learn new stuff, or spend time with our family. The point is there are a lot of things we can do with our spare time that the Coronaconomy gave us, let us all be Winners.
-Stockbytes PH, May 25, 2020
Related: Stocks to Buy this Coronaconomy ; Emerging Markets VS Coronaconomy
*The owner of StockBytes PH is a licensed stock broker, contact us if you want to open an account.
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